Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Haiku

I'm not sure if I'm completely sold on the whole idea.  May seem like a strange introduction, but taking Asian lit class I just don't understand the vast interest in only a few lines that sometimes make sense, and then other times just don't.  For instance:

I bite into a persimmon
and a bell resounds--

 What does this mean.  I go back to the whole understanding of nature and the meaning behind the words.  Is it just random.  Where is the meaning?  I don't like to think it's meaningless, but for sure it is hard to comprehend.  I scratch my head and wonder....

This one made me laugh:
  Men are disgusting.
They argue over
The price of orchids.

I want to write one with a well-versed author who writes them as much as he breaths. 

My personal favorite:
Ah, Matsushima!

I think writers of the haiku are like artist.  They create and leave the result for interpretation.  I'm not the best judge of art anyways, so maybe I should just stick with Sonnets for now.

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