Thursday, February 28, 2013

I'm flying out to Yakima, Washington on Saturday.  I'm nervous and excited.  It's crazy to think that I'll be in a totally different culture within my own country.  I want to learn, I want to serve, and I want to take every moment as a time to pursue.  It's Spring Break and a lot of my friends are going to the beach.  Honestly, I'm a little jealous, but honestly I can't wait to go on this adventure.  There will be much to journal on in the next week.  My biggest fear is acceptance.  What will they think of me?  What will I think of them?  Will it be too much of a culture shock?  One thing that I strangely wanted to see were their source of food, the beefalo.  Its a buffalo/cow mixture.  Apparently its really good, and good for you.  I'm all for healthy food that is good and good for you. 

We'll be exploring Seattle on Saturday afternoon then traveling into the Cascade Mountains from there.  I can't wait to see the beauty of the West.  There's so much to see, and take in.  This Carolina girl is used to the Blue Ridge so I'm ready to see mountains that are bigger than my own.

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