Saturday, February 23, 2013

 My problem with keep a consistent journal is that I'm not consistent.  Its a struggle to write at certain times like when I feel tired, or totally uninspired.  I mean, to an extent, writing has to have passion and zeal behind the words of the writer. When I lack those two traits I feel nothing but a harsh desire not to write.  I wish I was the kind of English major that desired every minute to write a thought down, or get an ungodly amount of excitement when I write an essay.  There are too many things at risk when you lose the zeal behind your words.  People won't believe your words if you don't.  

These thoughts and more pervade my thoughts a lot of the time especially being a senior, and tired of the constant motion that writing has become in my mind.  I love to write, but I go through these dry spots that leave me feeling a little less giving...that's why I'm so thankful for my creative non-fiction class.  It's reminded me of why I love to write.  Thank God for memoirs.  They are hugely loved in my life.   

I love hearing stories, and telling stories.  I love to know why people think the way they do, and their emotions.  Its a gift I love to receive and to give.

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