Monday, February 25, 2013

Spring break is around the corner, and with the break comes the overload of projects and finish ups.  As I sit in a SIP carol in the library I look out into the sunlit windows to a world that I wish I could capture.  I know one day I'll look back over my college years and wish for them to return.  Why do we have to grow up?  I sometimes retreat into the child section of the library to look at books that touched my young girls heart.  Its funny how you'll desire so badly to grow big and strong one day, and the other all you want is to find yourself in your father's strong grasp.  Why do they have to be so far away?  

I think it would be so interesting to write a book about myself as a little girl.  I was truly mischievous, but so cute.  My curly blonde locks and big cheeked head always had fanciful ideas circling around.  My very active imagination took me to far away places and journeys.  I was a drama queen, but I had a fire for life.  I think as an English major, its so easy to write like a mature adult, but does that really matter?  I would love to write like a child again: pure, less-meaningful, and obviously funny.  There are times when my writing is too much like a dictionary--a lot of information but not a lot of depth.  I want to be a writer that puts her personality into the mix.  I love to write.

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