Thursday, February 28, 2013


Growing up, I'm ashamed to say, I always went to directly to the movie section of the library.  I always picked my favorite "Wishbone" tale, or a Jane Austen film.  Books always boggled my mind, and scared me.  In middle school I found a new love.  Books opened my mind to a whole world of imagination and wonder.  It grew me in my knowledge.  I remember one instance in particular.  I asked my mom for a book on British monarchs.  Walking through a "Barnes and Noble" I spotted a huge book with Queen Elizabeth on the front.  That's mine I thought.  My mom was confused.  "You want that book,honey," she questioned.  Of course it was such a strange fascination for a middle schooler.  I loved the dresses the queens wore and thought the men had weird bubble pants.  When I opened it up on Christmas morning I was filled with joy.  My brothers looked at my like I was an alien.  They've always been one for athletics.  Not me.

My favorite book of all time is The Blue Castle.  Its magic incarnate.  I couldn't put it down.  I found myself re-reading at least ten times.  That's when I knew it was my favorite for all time.  Nothing has rivaled it yet.  The main character, Valency, has a beautiful story of self-discovery I couldn't help but love her.  They also live in Canada, and I've always wanted to go to that place. 

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