Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Dear Reader,
    Today I began a new semester where I'm experiencing new classes, a sweet new roommate added to room 522, new food(Sadly, I'm already missing my mom's home cooking), and a renewed time of learning. The newness of it all is like a breath of fresh air in my dry lungs. Before coming to Covenant, I wouldn't have labeled myself as a lover of the written word, but ever since diving into my English classes I've discovered within myself a great desire to evolve in my own writing style.  To be honest, writing a college paper still makes my stomach quiver as I begin to form some kind of thesis.  I entitled this blog "Tales from an Abnormal English Major" for the distinct purpose of overcoming my struggles in my major, and discovering my niche in the writing world.  I hope I do...I'm a senior for goodness sake.  

     I have full confidence that God has placed me in this major on purpose...that's His way.  There is something so freeing about the prospects of having freedom to write with a good deal of artistic freedom.  I remember having to write a research essay on John Keats a few semesters ago.  Unfortunately, it wasn't my best work, and I really beat myself over that. I tense up, type and delete too frequently, and don't enjoy myself.  That should change.  What I truly love about writing is the ability to display "Bethany's thoughts" onto a blank page.  I guess that could be dangerous as well!  

     So, this being my first journal entry, I've decided that the ongoing theme of this blog will be grounded in my love of humorous writing.  My days are filled with many adventures and many opportunities, so I pray this blog serves it's purpose successfully.  I'm a joyful kind of personality, so hopefully that will also be clearly realized in my creative writing entries. Oh the hopes and dreams I have for this blog.  May it be all that I desire it to be, and may the reader find enjoyment in the journal entries to come.  Cheers.


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