Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Dear Reader,
   Let's talk about words. I've been accused (and rightly so) of being quite a wordy writer.  What is the solution?  I remember going through my shy faze where words weren't exactly flowing out of my mouth.  Obviously that was only a faze, and words are quite abundantly available now a days which is exemplified in my essays unfortunately.  I think the issue is I overly researched the material, and all that I've gleaned tries to come out on the poor blank page which can be disastrous.  For a creative essay there is room  for artistic expression, but I think at some points authors get to "in there head" that the reader has to overcome intense obstacles to clear successfully.  I believe I would fit into that category. 

    As far as classes, who knew that Linguistics 150 would be so interesting!  My mind was blown by phonetics and morphology.  From there I experienced interesting discussions on Thomas Holbein's painting "The Ambassadors" in Renaissance.  Oh the joys of a brand new semester.  I was sitting in class just reveling in the fact of what a gift learning is-which can sound corny, but I don't know how else to say it.  I have the opportunity of taking two weeks to learn about one painting.  It won't always be that way.  

     "What's in a word," wrote Shakespeare-Well, I'm definitely going to figure that out Will!  I'm about to read a cornucopia of words as I begin this very intense semester filled with John Donne, Joan Didion, Confucius,etc.  What an exciting line-up. Cheers.


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