Friday, March 1, 2013

Above my head hangs a beautiful branch chandelier.  The long branches hang quite low and sway to any movement felt within 10 feet.  There are twinkling lights hung sporadically from random branches.   

Dishes around sprawled around the sink which smells of a pungent cleanser used only a few hours ago.  Oatmeal sticks tightly to the rim of a colorful bowl.

In the middle of our table sits a lopsided lamp that must have been purchased at a antique store.  The shade specifically tilts to the left. 

Pieces of popcorn are arranged in a very random fashion on the coffee table which signals that a movie must have been watched in the commons earlier.  There are also several editions of “People” magazine.

In the corner are pieces of luggage left from Move-In Day back in August.  There are also miss-matched boxes that are filled with Chi Alpha memorabilia dating back to the late ‘90’s.

On the central wall in the commons hangs a crinkled map that shows the expanse of The United States.  It must have been folded tightly because the lines show clearly as it seeks to separate itself from the cinder-block, white-washed walls.

There is a rug beside the long couch which has a cream, maroon design that is quite feminine in its design. 

A yellow mug contains a two day supply of tea that must have been forgotten amidst the business of a college student day.

Next to the yellow mug sits a box of “Grape-Nuts” with the top wide open—asking for someone to eat it.

The lighting of the commons signs fiercely down on its inhabitants like it is desirous to turn our eyes red from the florescent streaks shining from it.

Smelly socks lay together directly beside a computer charger in relaxed manner.

Multiple laptop computers are jumbled in a mass on the table with chords all tangled together making one big chord.
The table cloth is blue with yellow flowers found in the far-away country of China that was retrieved by a fellow hall-mate while studying abroad.

A garland of notes cards hang from rope.  Each card has a note that recounts a blessing the Lord has bestowed upon that person.  The notes were written by widows down in the Chattanooga area.

A brown bag overflows with colorful, textured yarn next to an ordinary college chair that matches the other furniture perfectly.  

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